Flood Relief Programme – October 2006

Flood Relief Programme – October 2006

In October, there were heavy monsoon rain and water inundation and cyclone in different part of West Bengal, specially our Project area of 24 Parganas South.

IIMC – Medical and Relief team immediately rush to the affected areas and helped the suffering people.

Here is a small pictures report of our relief work.

[Cyclone & heavy monsoon rain victims in rural villages of West Bengal are in a Temporary shelter camp. IIMC relief teams are approaching with relief material.]

[IIMC Relief teams are preparing with food material for the cyclone affected people.]

[Foods are being transported to the distribution point. All villagers are waiting for the food and cocking materials.]

[IIMC Relief team members are tenderly distributing foods to everyone for the village.]

[A full bag of food materials, this mother is happy because she can cock for her all family members]

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